Gardening Tips
All topics aeroponics deep water culture drip system dwc ebb and flow Gardening Tips hydroponics nft nutrient film technique wicking
The whole point of growing indoors is so that you can control the environment of your grow. For the beginner, this can be a little confusing and overwhelming. There are so many variables to consider, as well as the options for equipment out on the market. We've written this guide with you in mind. It will help you to make sure you take everything into account when you’re building your set up.
There are many grow light choices available and several things to consider when you're choosing a grow light. This is a breakdown of some of the most common lighting options available and the pros and cons of each to help you make the best decision for your grow and your budget.
Wondering what a Grow Box is and how it differs from a Grow Tent? Take a minute to read this and find out.
Are you wondering what a grow tent is? Read this to find out.
In the world of hydroponic gardening, there is a lot of terminology that can be overwhelming to understand. This glossary of common hydroponic terms will make it easy to understand and make sense of the technical lingo.
Growing without soil is a great way to grow more plants, harvest faster, and generate higher yields.
aeroponics deep water culture drip system dwc ebb and flow hydroponics nft nutrient film technique wicking
Understanding Planting Zones and Plant Hardiness is important when you are planning your garden. Let's face it, no gardener wants to spend the time, energy, and money on plants that can not survive in their location. This guide explains planting zones and their temperature ranges, plant hardiness, and offers an interactive map for you to find your planting zone.